
Australia has 240 known native frog species. They play a key role in many food webs and are pivotal to the ecosystem. They can sometimes be found in fruit and vegetables, can end up in showers, and can be harmed by lawn mowers and cleaning chemicals. If you find a sick frog or uninjured frog inside your house, always call your local wildlife group as they need very specified care. Frogs can also be infected with a fatal fungal disease called Chytridiomycosis which means they need to be tested before release so they cannot infect the rest of the frog population, even if it looks perfectly healthy.

Rescue Advice

• Before handling a frog, thoroughly wet your hands, or better still, wear wet gloves. The secretions on our skin can cause harm to the frog's delicate skin.

• Gently place the frog in a waterproof container with either a damp bit of paper towel or cloth, takeaway plastic containers are perfect.

• Pour a few drops of water (preferably spring or rainwater) onto the frog’s skin, so it doesn’t dry out.

• Take an injured frog to a local vet or contact the local wildlife group.

• You can also get excellent advice on frogs from a dedicated frog helpline - Frog & Tadpole Society (FATS)– PH: 0419 249 728

• Do not dispose of water from the frog’s container down your sink or toilet as this may inadvertently spread Chytridiomycosis. Pour the water into a pot plant instead, where it can cause no harm.

• Do not attempt to feed the frog any food or water.

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